Philippians 4:6-7 The Voice (VOICE)
6 Don’t be anxious about things; instead, pray. Pray about everything. He longs to hear your requests, so talk to God about your needs and be thankful for what has come. 7 And know that the peace of God (a peace that is beyond any and all of our human understanding) will stand watch over your hearts and minds in Jesus, the Anointed One.
What is Prayer? Quite simply, prayer is our way of talking to God either personally or on behalf of others. When we pray for others, it is called intercessory prayer.
How To Pray Talk to Him like you would anyone you love and hold dear, because He loves you, too. Thank Him for your blessings, ask for forgiveness and tell Him your needs.
What To Say Whatever is on your mind or in your heart. Use your own words, and pray with the confidence that God has the perfect solution to your prayers, one that we may have never even dreamed of. He will answer your prayers in His perfect timing.
6 Don’t be anxious about things; instead, pray. Pray about everything. He longs to hear your requests, so talk to God about your needs and be thankful for what has come. 7 And know that the peace of God (a peace that is beyond any and all of our human understanding) will stand watch over your hearts and minds in Jesus, the Anointed One.
What is Prayer? Quite simply, prayer is our way of talking to God either personally or on behalf of others. When we pray for others, it is called intercessory prayer.
How To Pray Talk to Him like you would anyone you love and hold dear, because He loves you, too. Thank Him for your blessings, ask for forgiveness and tell Him your needs.
What To Say Whatever is on your mind or in your heart. Use your own words, and pray with the confidence that God has the perfect solution to your prayers, one that we may have never even dreamed of. He will answer your prayers in His perfect timing.
Rutherford Memorial Prayer Room and
Intercessory Prayer Team The Prayer Room at Rutherford Memorial Church is located in the room directly to the left of the main entrance of the main church building. There are plenty of prayer resources, and we invite you to our prayer room to pray for your own needs or on behalf of others.
ADDRESS7815 Corryton Road
Corryton ,TN 37721 |